Enticare Blog

Best Position to Sleep with a Stuffy Nose

Best Position to Sleep with a Stuffy Nose

With fall here and the weather fluctuating between summer heat and winter chill, a sensitive nose may get stuffy. With less humidity in the air and the radiators coming alive, the drier air can also leave your nose more susceptible to cold and flu season. You may even suffer from autumn allergies. Trying to sleep with nasal congestion is challenging. Let’s look at the best position to sleep well with a stuffy nose.

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When is BPAP Better than CPAP?

When is BPAP Better than CPAP?

If you are one of the 3-7% of the population affected by sleep apnea, you may use a medical device with pressurized air to breathe better, sleep better, and feel better. Doctors commonly prescribe a BPAP (BiPap or Bi-level positive airway pressure) for sleep apnea vs. a CPAP machine. Let’s look at when BPAP is better than CPAP.

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Trouble Breathing at Night?

Trouble Breathing at Night?

If you struggle to breathe at night, you are not alone. Sleepapnea.org estimates that “22 million Americans suffer from sleep apnea, with 80 percent of the cases of moderate and severe obstructive sleep apnea undiagnosed.” Struggling to breathe at night is not a minor problem. Difficulty breathing while sleeping can cause health problems and even death. Learn why you may struggle to breathe at night and how to find solutions. 

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What Does CPAP Stand For?

What Does CPAP Stand For?

CPAP stands for “Continuous Positive Air Pressure.” Using this device keeps you breathing properly all night. Because of the air pressure it exerts, you get the required oxygen while you sleep, even if you suffer from sleep apnea. Now that you know what CPAP stands for, let’s look at the pros and cons of this medical standard of treatment for sleep apnea. 

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Alternatives to CPAP: No More Masks

Alternatives to CPAP: No More Masks

With more than 8 million CPAP users in the US, CPAP remains a popular choice to treat obstructive sleep apnea. However, using an unwieldy and loud machine every night can also cause loss of sleep. These days there are other solutions for your obstructive sleep apnea and snoring issues. Let’s look at treatment solution alternatives to CPAP machines. 

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Is Sleep Apnea Hereditary?

Is Sleep Apnea Hereditary?

Sleep disorders contribute to long sleepless nights and a struggle to stay awake during the day. It can also cause missed days at work and damaged relationships due to irritability. Let’s break down the factors that cause obstructive sleep apnea and see what you can do to sleep better if diagnosed.

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Exercises to Help with Snoring 

Exercises to Help with Snoring 

Exercises to Help with Snoring  Snoring can significantly affect the quantity and quality of sleep you receive. Snoring occurs when the muscles and tissues around the back of the mouth and throat overly relax and airflow ends up fluttering this tissue. This noise from...

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