Enticare Blog

How to Survive Summer Allergies

How to Survive Summer Allergies

Summertime is finally here, with all the joys of being outdoors. Unfortunately for those of us who suffer from allergies, it also brings itchy throats and ears, sneezing fits, and a general feeling of misery. If you’re wondering what to do about your summer allergies, learn some tips on how to survive the season.

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Eczema vs Hives: What’s the Difference?

Eczema vs Hives: What’s the Difference?

Do you have a rash and don’t know what it is? You’re not alone. Many people find themselves dealing with an unknown rash at some point. Sometimes it’s easy to determine the cause of a rash, such as eczema caused by seasonal allergies. But other times, it can be more challenging to determine the source of a breakout. Let’s look at the difference between eczema and hives and learn about the most common causes of each type of rash.

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How to Sleep with Someone Who Snores: Tips and Solutions

How to Sleep with Someone Who Snores: Tips and Solutions

Do you suffer from sleep deprivation because your partner snores all night long? You’re not alone. Snoring is one of the leading causes of disrupted sleep, and it can be pretty frustrating trying to get a good night’s rest when someone is making so much noise. Whether you’re looking for ways to cope or want to find a way to fix the problem, we’ve got you covered! Keep reading for answers!

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CPAP For Snoring: What If It Doesn’t Work for Me?

CPAP For Snoring: What If It Doesn’t Work for Me?

If you are one of the millions of Americans who snore, you may have tried a CPAP machine. CPAP is the most common treatment for snoring and sleep apnea, and it can be very effective for many people. However, not everyone who tries a CPAP finds relief from their snoring. Let’s look at why CPAP therapy may not work and what you can do to make it more comfortable and effective. In addition, we will explore new treatments for sleep apnea that may help with your snoring as well!

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Glossopharyngeal Nerve Stimulation: A New FDA-Approved Treatment for Sleep Apnea

Glossopharyngeal Nerve Stimulation: A New FDA-Approved Treatment for Sleep Apnea

If you snore at night or gasp for air, you may have sleep apnea. This dangerous condition affects millions of people and can lead to heart problems, stroke, and even death. Until now, the only treatment was a CPAP machine that many people find uncomfortable using. But a new FDA-approved treatment is available that works by stimulating the glossopharyngeal nerve. So what is a glossopharyngeal nerve, and how does stimulating it help you breathe better while sleeping?

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How to Stop Feeling Sleepy All Day: Solutions for Somnolence

How to Stop Feeling Sleepy All Day: Solutions for Somnolence

Feeling sleepy all day is a common problem for many people. This sleepiness can be caused by various things, from insomnia to medication side effects. If you feel somnolent during the day, it can be challenging to stay productive and focused. In this blog post, we will look at some of the most common causes of somnolence and how to remedy them. We will also discuss ways to increase your energy levels so that you feel alert and awake all day long!

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Pregnancy and Snoring: What You Need to Know

Pregnancy and Snoring: What You Need to Know

During pregnancy, many women experience snoring for the first time in their lives. Nasal congestion often causes snoring. As the body produces more estrogen and progesterone during pregnancy, these hormones exacerbate nasal congestion. While snoring is often not a cause for concern, it can sometimes be symptomatic of a more serious medical disorder. Let’s look at the relationship between pregnancy and snoring and when you should seek treatment.

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