Hearing Loss Vertigo: All About Meniere's Disease and Its Impact

Meniere’s disease is a disorder of the inner ear, characterized by episodes of vertigo, tinnitus, hearing loss, and a feeling of fullness in the ear. Diagnosing Meniere disease involves a thorough medical evaluation, including hearing tests and balance assessments, to identify these symptoms and their impact on patient care. Meniere’s affects roughly 615,000 people in the United States, making it a relatively rare disorder. According to current statistics, about 0.2 percent of the U.S. populaation struggles with it. Although it can come on at any age, most people with Meniere’s are 40 or older. Meniere’s is called a disease, but it really is a cluster of symptoms for which the underlying cause is unknown and for which there currently is no permanent cure.

While Meniere’s can occur at any age, it is more common in individuals over 40. This age group is also more susceptible to age-related hearing loss, which typically develops slowly and can affect one’s ability to hear in various situations, such as discerning conversations or tolerating loud environments.


What is Meniere’s Disease?


Meniere’s disease is a disorder of the inner ear that significantly impacts both balance and hearing. This condition is characterized by an abnormality in the endolymphatic sac, leading to an accumulation of fluid in the inner ear. This fluid buildup can cause a range of symptoms, including vertigo, tinnitus, and hearing loss. Vertigo is a sensation of spinning or dizziness, tinnitus refers to ringing or buzzing in the ears, and hearing loss can vary from mild to profound. Meniere’s disease is a complex disorder influenced by multiple genetic and environmental factors, making it a challenging condition to manage and treat.


Problems in the Inner Ear


Named after the French physician, Prosper Ménière, who first identified the cluster of symptoms in 1861 as being linked to the inner ear, rather than to the brain as once thought, Meniere’s is a particularly intrusive disorder that can be difficult to diagnose. More than anything else, Meniere’s tends to be known for the extreme and unpredictable dizziness that typically comes with vertigo. The other common symptoms of Meniere’s include tinnitus, muffled hearing or the sensation that one’s hearing has been blocked, and a feeling of congestion, fullness, or pressure in the affected ear or ears.

The middle ear plays a crucial role in hearing by amplifying sound vibrations, contrasting with the inner ear’s function in balance and hearing. Issues in the middle ear can also lead to hearing loss, particularly conductive hearing loss, where sound waves struggle to reach the inner ear.


Difficult to Diagnose


The symptoms of Meniere’s aren’t singularly unique. Nor are they uniform among everyone who deals with it. Consider that dizziness, vertigo, and imbalance are among the most common symptoms doctors are faced with diagnosing. They’re highly common across many diseases. Yet, it’s uncertainty that really characterizes Meniere’s. Part of the confusion with Meniere’s is that it presents itself in different ways. For some people, the first noticeable sign of Meniere’s is an episode of vertigo. For others, it may be the slow progression of hearing loss, with vertigo developing later.

Meniere’s disease can lead to sensorineural hearing loss, which is caused by damage to the inner ear’s hair cells and can significantly impact hearing ability.


The Unpredictable Nature


What makes Meniere’s such an incapacitating disorder for many are the unpredictability and intensity of vertigo attacks. The duration of these episodes varies considerably. Attacks can be relatively brief, lasting for about 20 minutes. Or they can last for many hours, even up to a day. Episodes of Meniere’s may occur in clusters, with a group of attacks occurring over a short period of time. At other times, they may come months apart. But years also may pass between episodes. In the earlier stages of the disorder, many people have no symptoms between the attacks, or they only experience mild imbalance and/or tinnitus.


Possible Causes


While the underlying cause of Meniere’s is unknown, the medical community believes it understands the mechanics of what is happening within the inner ear that triggers the symptoms. Simply, fluid builds up within the ear’s labyrinth—where the specific organs that regulate balance and hearing are found. The causes of hearing loss include aging, exposure to loud noises, and medical conditions.

Under normal conditions, the membranous labyrinth is supposed to be filled with endolymph, a fluid that normally circulates, stimulating receptors that signal information to the brain about body position and movement. When someone has Meniere’s, there is too much endolymph within the membranous labyrinth, which causes swelling and issues with the normal balance signals that are sent to the brain. The result is vertigo and other symptoms. Hearing is affected in people with Meniere’s for similar reasons. Endolymph in the cochlea normally becomes compressed in response to sound vibrations, triggering sensory cells that communicate signals to the brain where the actual hearing takes place. Exposure to loud noise can damage the inner ear’s hair cells, leading to hearing loss, and this is a common issue in both Meniere’s disease and other forms of hearing impairment.


Complications and Prognosis


Meniere’s disease can lead to several complications that affect daily life. The most common issues include hearing loss, tinnitus, and vertigo. These symptoms can be distressing and may contribute to anxiety, depression, and social isolation. In severe cases, Meniere’s disease can cause significant loss of balance and coordination, increasing the risk of falls and injuries. The prognosis for Meniere’s disease varies widely. For some, the condition may be mild and manageable with appropriate treatment, while for others, it can be severe and debilitating. The effectiveness of treatment plays a crucial role in determining the long-term outlook for individuals with Meniere’s disease.


Treating and Managing the Symptoms of Hearing Loss & Vertigo: All About Meniere’s Disease


Because Meniere’s affects each person differently, physicians will suggest strategies and treatments based on the individual’s medical history, lifestyle needs, and the symptoms they’re experiencing.

Some methods for managing Meniere’s include:

  • Medications to help with dizziness and shorten the attacks
  • Medications to reduce the nausea
  • Diuretics to help reduce the amount of fluid in the inner ear
  • Dietary changes, such as limiting salt—so the body doesn’t retain as much fluid, and avoiding foods and beverages that tend to exacerbate the symptoms, such as alcohol and caffeine
  • Not smoking
  • Hearing aids to address any hearing loss
  • Balance therapy or Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy (VRT), which uses exercises to help people with balance issues

Some individuals with Meniere’s disease may experience profound hearing loss, which can significantly impact their ability to hear and may require the use of hearing aids or other assistive devices.


Living with Meniere’s Disease


Living with Meniere’s disease can be challenging, but there are strategies to manage symptoms and improve quality of life. Treatment options include medications to control dizziness and nausea, vestibular rehabilitation therapy to address balance issues, and in some cases, surgery. It is essential to work closely with a healthcare provider to develop a treatment plan tailored to individual needs. Additionally, making lifestyle changes can help alleviate symptoms. Avoiding loud noises, reducing stress, and engaging in regular exercise are beneficial practices. With proper treatment and management, individuals with Meniere’s disease can lead fulfilling lives despite the challenges posed by the condition.




If you suspect that you or someone you love is struggling with Meniere’s disease, contact us at Enticare.  We will conduct a hearing test and help you pinpoint problems and find solutions for your hearing needs.

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